Kumbartcho Sanctuary and Nursery
Thank you to our Supporters for the grants provided
Re-Covering of Bush House Heated Propagation Mats - Nursery Volunteer Tools / Equipment
Funding to provide Workshops Sustainability - Lights / Appliances - Yuraba Air Conditioner Replacement - Yuraba

Queensland Government
Kumbartcho Sanctuary
Our name, "Kumbartcho", comes from the local Aboriginal name for the Araucaria cunninghamii or Hoop Pine, which was the dominant species in the area and attracted the first European Settlers to the area in their search for timber to build ships.
The Sanctuary occupies some of the buildings and the remaining 6 Hectares of the former Bunya Park Zoo which were saved from Residential Redevelopment by local Residents petitioning the then Pine Rivers Shire Council.
As the area adjoins the South Pine River and contains the last remnants of the riverine rainforest that existed when European Settlers first came to the area, the Council responded to the petition and took ownership of the site.
In the 28 years since, Volunteers with the River Warriors have been clearing weeds and revegetating the banks of the South Pine River from Yuraba to Bunya Crossing - planting 150,000 trees so far.
Kumbartcho was originally operated by Community Volunteers in partnership with Pine Rivers Shire Council and that partnership now continues with Moreton Bay Regional Council.