Kumbartcho Sanctuary and Nursery
Thank you to our Supporters for the grants provided
Re-Covering of Bush House Heated Propagation Mats - Nursery Volunteer Tools / Equipment
Funding to provide Workshops Sustainability - Lights / Appliances - Yuraba Air Conditioner Replacement - Yuraba

Queensland Government
Kumbartcho Environmental Education Centre
Kumbartcho's Environmental Education Centre occupies what was the Reception Area of Bunya Wildlife Park and has a changing range of displays and activities for Visitors of all ages.
Opening Hours: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Tuesday to Friday. Closed: Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Public Holidays
There are Environmental Videos on a continual loop, a Reference Library, a Mangroves to Mountains Diorama with live Native Fish, a Nocturnal Display and even a tree 'growing' indoors.
Each month, the themed Display changes to highlight a different environmental topic.
There are also craft activities available and you can also select and pot up your own Native Plant for $1.00.
Ad-Hoc Guided walks around the Sanctuary start and finish in the Environment Centre and Visitors are welcome to relax and enjoy the air-conditioned comfort while watching the videos after their walk.
Full Cafeteria facilities are currently not available but Soft Drinks, Ice-Blocks and Filtered Water are available at excellent prices.