Kumbartcho Sanctuary and Nursery
Thank you to our Supporters for the grants provided
Re-Covering of Bush House Heated Propagation Mats - Nursery Volunteer Tools / Equipment
Funding to provide Workshops Sustainability - Lights / Appliances - Yuraba Air Conditioner Replacement - Yuraba

Queensland Government

Brass Rubbing
Kumbartcho now has a number of Brass Rubbing Plaques located through out the grounds.
Simply go to the Environment Centre during Opening Hours (9:00am - 2:00pm, Tuesday to Friday) and pick up
a copy of our Brass Rubbing Book and a (returnable) multi-coloured crayon.
Then follow the map in the middle of the book to find the plaques, place the appropriate page on top of the
plaque and rub with the crayon to your heart's content.
This is great activity for the kids and gives them a memento to take home.